How Two Serial Killers Are Changing The Way I Work

How Two Serial Killers Are Changing The Way I Work
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What's your time worth?
How much would you pay someone to clean up behind you and keep your attention laser focused while you do your work?
I recently employed two full-time serial killers to do just that, and I wish I'd done it sooner.
They have relentlessly kept my digital work surfaces spotless, and it's been days since I've strayed down a distracting digital alley.
Who are they, and what do they do?
First, let me introduce you to Quitter: hide or quit applications after inactivity.
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Quitter goes about his business silently in the background, leaving you with a clean task bar devoid of perpetual time vampires.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Gone are the Groundhog Days of task switching, spotting your email client and getting distracted with 20 minutes of unplanned email.
My second serial killer goes by the name of TabZapper: a Safari extension that does for browser tabs what Quitter does for applications.
A minimalist by trade, TabZapper leaves your SoundCloud tunes playing whilst zapping other idle tabs.
Need to get some Internet research done or file a multi-page web form of the “run around the house” variety? Give the silent tab assassin some time off - click the TabZapper icon, click “Disable” and get busy building a fresh picket fence of 100+ tabs.
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Perhaps you have tabs you always need open. Download Google Chrome, create a dedicated profile for the project or client with the perma-tabs, and use TabZapper to keep a lid on your non-work browsing.

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